



The halls of the state capitol were mostly empty this week as legislators did not use any of their 40 legislative days. The General Assembly remained in recess as the 加入t Appropriations Committee met to discuss the amended FY21 and FY22 budgets. 主席:代表. 特里·英格兰和森. 布莱克Tillery, the joint committee heard testimony from agency heads and state experts who presented changes to their budgets. 由于2020年下半年的经济表现好于预期, the Governor announced last week t在这里 would be no cuts to state 机构 under his budget proposal.

乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) staff will continue to monitor and evaluate the proposed budget while advocating for funding of agricultural institutions, 机构, 以及由GFB政策支持的青年发展项目.

州议员将于1月26日星期二返回国会大厦,开始第5个立法日. GFB将在为期40天的立法会议期间每天出席以进行监督, 保护, 倡导和报告影响我们成员和格鲁吉亚农业的问题.



参众两院联合拨款委员会本周召开会议, kicking off the process of evaluating and adjusting the Governor’s amended FY21 and FY22 budget proposals. T在这里 was an air of optimism as agency heads and others presented their budget requests following the challenges faced in 2020, 格鲁吉亚在经济上表现得出奇的好. 总督的建议包括:

  • 4000万美元用于设立农村创新基金,支持农村企业和企业家;
  • $20 million in AFY21 and $10 million per year moving forward for rural broadband grants to improve internet access;
  • 7600万美元用于实施格鲁吉亚途径和可负担医疗保健;
  • $500,农业部则是1万美元,340美元,林业委员会的车辆更换费用为000英镑;
  • $1,750,000 in one-time funds to the Georgia Ag Expo Authority to mitigate the operational impact of COVID-19;
  • 505,727美元用于地区教师计划,延长一天/年,年轻农民, & Youth Camps; and
  • 《十大靠谱网赌官方平台》补助偿还额增加$25 000.

农业专员加里·布莱克星期二向委员会作了报告, 提供积极的消息,并为一些项目申请额外的资金. 正如你去年回忆的那样, 一些州农贸市场面临关闭的威胁,以满足削减预算的要求. 通过一些当地的合作伙伴和新的用途, 几个表现最差的市场有了显著改善, 促使他们继续开放. 随着2018年GATE计划的变化(改为3年期卡,费用为150美元), 农民支付的卡费产生了1美元,791,2020财年的收入为225美元,350,预计2021财年为1000美元. 除了678美元,在21财年预算中为GATE管理拨款894美元, 布莱克要求追加530美元,5万美元将返还给国防部,以加强GATE合规和基础设施建设. 而GATE合规官员于2020年解散, the Department hopes to use a portion of the GATE card fees to subscribe card holders to the Market Bulletin, 合规教育的特色内容在哪里. 另外, 布莱克要求总共653美元,050, 从提议的200美元增加,000, 被分配到麻计划的额外人员职位和设备. 最后, 布莱克要求241美元,740由土壤修正程序产生, 由GDA管理, 适合于人员的需要.

布莱克委员的演讲全文可以点击观看 在这里 从2:07:00开始.



上周乔治亚州参议院宣布了新的委员会和领导层, 众议院已经任命了新的委员会. 在41个委员会中,有13个委员会换了新主席 家农业 & 消费者事务委员会.

众议院司法委员会, 前主席是乔治亚州农场局(GFB)主席汤姆·麦考尔, 现在将由经验丰富的资深委员会领导吗, 农业局之友, 以及2019年乔治亚州年度农民, 代表. 罗伯特·迪基(R-Musella).

“I am humbled and honored by this appointment to chair the Agriculture and 消费者事务委员会,” 说代表. 迪基. “Speaker Ralston and the Committee on Assignments have given me big shoes to fill following the 16-year chairmanship of 乔治亚州农场局 President Tom McCall. 作为第四代农民, I am fortunate to be able to continue my family’s legacy and be a voice for agriculture and agri-business. I look forward to working with State 森ator Larry Walker (R-Perry) to shape and guide agricultural policy in our state as we continue to keep Georgia’s ag economy strong and vibrant not only for producers but agribusiness and our consumers. 这个委员会将继续把农业和消费者利益放在心上.”

委员会的其他成员包括苏珊·霍姆斯(R-Monticello), 史蒂文·米克斯(r - screen), 帕蒂·本特利(D-Butler), 乔恩·伯恩斯(R-Newington), 迈克·卡梅隆(r - rosville), 贝丝·坎普(R-Concord), 约翰·科比特(R-Lake Park), 温弗雷德·杜克斯(民主党-奥尔巴尼), 埃默里·杜纳霍(R-Gillsville), 特里·英格兰(r -奥本), 唐·霍根(R-St. 西蒙斯岛), 瑞克·贾斯珀斯(R-Jasper), 汤姆·柯比(R-Loganville), 多米尼克·拉里奇亚(R-Douglas), 罗伯·莱弗里特(R-Elberton), 里贾纳·刘易斯-沃德(D-McDonough), 马文·林(诺克罗斯民主党), 丹尼·马西斯(共和党-科克伦), 丽贝卡·米切尔(D-Snellville), 克莱·皮尔克尔(R-Ashburn), 米切尔·斯科金斯(R-Cartersville), 简·坦克斯利(R-Brooklet), 达琳·泰勒(R-Thomasville), 曼迪沙·托马斯(亚特兰大民主党), 山姆·沃森(R-Moultrie), 马修·威尔逊(D-Brookhaven), 比尔·耶尔塔(R-Sylvester).



12月3日, 2020, House Democrats released the names of members who will serve as committee chairs during the 117th Congress. 乔治亚州众议员大卫·斯科特(D)被选为主席 众议院农业委员会预计国会将开始讨论下一项农业法案. Georgia 代表resentative Sanford Bishop (D) will once again be Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture. Congressman Austin Scott (R) will serve as Ranking Member (the top 代表ublican) on the 家农业 Commodity Exchanges, 能源, 及信贷小组委员会. 

12月10日, 2020, then President-Elect Joe Biden tapped Tom Vilsack to lead the United States Department of Agriculture. Vilsack is no stranger to the position as he previously served as Secretary of Agriculture under the Obama administration from 2009-2017. 本周早些时候, 一些著名的农业组织, 包括美国农场局联合会, 派了一个  到美国.S. 参议院农业、营养和林业委员会呼吁尽快确认他的任命.



In a highly contested election that was seemingly overshadowed by the events at the Capitol on January 6, 坐在你.S. 森ators David Perdue (R) and Kelly Loeffler (R) were both unseated in the historic double-barreled runoff election on January 5. 民主党人乔恩·奥索夫(Jon Ossoff)当选为珀杜的继任者,任期六年. 同样是民主党人的拉斐尔·沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)被选为洛夫勒的继任者. 森. 沃诺克将继续服刑. 约翰尼·艾萨克森的任期,他的席位将在2022年重新选举. Both Ossoff and Warnock were sworn into office by Vice President Kamala Harris earlier this week.

除了两家美国公司.S. 在参议院席位方面,乔治亚州也举行了第四区公共服务委员会席位的决选. 现任总统劳伦·“布巴”·麦克唐纳(右)击败丹尼尔·布莱克曼(右),赢得下一个六年任期.


上周, farmer and rancher delegates to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s (AFBF) 102nd Annual Convention adopted policies to guide the organization’s work in 2021. 关键议题从农场多样性到农场劳动力,从乳制品政策到牲畜营销. 由于2019冠状病毒病,代表们在AFBF历史上首次进行了虚拟会议和投票.

“我们农业局的代表表示没有挑战, 甚至不是大流行, 会阻止他们努力改善美国农民和牧场主的生活吗,AFBF主席Zippy Duvall说. “他们的工作不仅为2021年制定政策, it will also serve as a guide for AFBF as we prepare to work with a new president and a new Congress to ensure we continue to lead the world in producing healthy and safe food, 纤维和燃料.”

认识到扩大农业机会的重要性, 代表们投票鼓励在农业中增加种族多样性. This new policy calls for increased funding for USDA programs that make inheriting farms easier and increases funding to promote diverse farmland ownership.

代表们更新了劳工政策, emphasizing the importance of reforming the H-2A program by expanding the program to provide visa workers for both seasonal and year-round employment. An expanded program would address workforce shortages and extend the program to operations that do not currently qualify to employ guest workers, 比如奶牛场.

The Holcomb plant fire and the COVID-19 pandemic caused meat prices to skyrocket while the price paid to farmers dropped. AFBF delegates voted to provide stability in markets by supporting efforts to increase negotiated sales in fed cattle markets. 代表们还呼吁提高牲畜定价的透明度.

COVID-19大流行加剧了牛奶价格的波动, 导致奶农的经济损失超过2美元.50亿年. Delegates updated dairy policy to call for re-examining the 2018 farm bill’s modification to the milk price formula, 提高美国农业部《十大靠谱网赌官方平台》收入共享池的公平性, and reaffirmed their support for allowing dairy farmers the opportunity to cast an individual and confidential ballot during milk order referendums.

农作物十大靠谱网赌官方平台有了新的政策. 代表们呼吁风险管理机构提高飓风防护覆盖面, 包括但不限于, 为抵御飓风和过度降水提供保护. 代表们还支持修改特种作物十大靠谱网赌官方平台,以尽量减少食物浪费.


Fourteen state Farm Bureau presidents were re-elected to two-year terms to represent their regions on the AFBF board of directors and five were elected to the board for the first time, 包括乔治亚州农场局局长汤姆·麦考尔.


  • 理查德·费尔茨,堪萨斯州
  • 小里奇·格伯特.伊利诺斯州
  • 克雷格·希尔,爱荷华州
  • 凯文·克伦茨,*威斯康星州
  • 兰迪·克朗,印第安纳州
  • 马克·麦克格,*内布拉斯加州
  • 凯文·帕普,明尼苏达州
  • 东北地区
  • 大卫·费希尔,纽约
  • 约瑟夫·提斯伯特,*佛蒙特州


  • 杰夫·艾肯,田纳西州
  • 拉塞尔·伯宁,德克萨斯州
  • 肖恩·哈丁,北卡罗来纳州
  • 吉姆·哈珀,路易斯安那州
  • 汤姆·麦考尔,乔治亚州
  • 迈克·麦考密克,密西西比
  • 罗德·莫塞尔,俄克拉荷马州


  • 托德·福恩斯特罗姆,怀俄明州
  • 杰米·约翰逊,*加州
  • Stefanie Smallhouse,亚利桑那州



由于新冠肺炎病例的增加以及该州首府的其他不确定性, 乔治亚州农场局 has made the executive decision to cancel the annual Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol event, 原定于2月9日举行, 2021年亚特兰大奥运会. 请在您的日历上标记明年的活动,预计将于2022年2月8日举行.



乔治亚州农场局是这次年度研讨会的赞助商, 哪一届将在2021年以虚拟方式举行,并且可以免费参加. 它将于1月29日星期五上午9:30开始举行.m. Ag Forecast shares the latest research and information from UGA faculty to help farmers and agribusinesses in Georgia's No. 1行业. 主题主题是农业旅游和COVID-19对格鲁吉亚农民的影响. Breakout sessions will cover: livestock and poultry; cotton, peanuts grains and oilseeds; green industry and vegetables; fruits and tree nuts; and forestry and land taxation. 点击 在这里 注册.





**图片由 乔治亚州参众两院 摄影画廊.